
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Entertaining Sophia while trying to work.

Sophia gets to go to work with me and Shawn everyday. She has had several contraptions that have provided hours of entertainment. She started by hanging out in her carseat most of the day. She then graduated to her excersaucer, which she absolutely loved. She takes all of her naps in her stroller, which can sometimes be pretty hilarious with the positions she gets herself into. Now she is all over the place in her walker. We finally got her some shoes that fit and she thinks she owns the place. My dad lets her escape to the wharehouse or in the front parking lot (with supervision of course) and she thinks it's the greatest thing. She laughs so hard when you run away from her and she tries to catch you. It is only a matter of time before she is actually running for us. =)

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